Put Da’ Lime in Da’ Coconut…

Happy Wednesday!!!

I am still reeling with excitement after last night’s US election results! As a northern neighbour, I know that many Canadians are thanking American voters for re-electing Obama last night! TWO BIG THUMBS UP!!! While I was at work I was basically glued to the television all night and pretty much slacking off—oops! I wish that as Canadians we were as in to politics as Americans are, perhaps it is because American politics are so much more dramatic than Canadian politics or the fact that we really need some fresh blood in our candidate pool!

Sadly, I do not see that happening any time soon.

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Cavegirl Eating

Four days ago I started Paleo aka The Paleolithic Diet, however, I will not be calling it a “diet” as in my books diets are things that are meant to cheated on! The scream “Cheat! Have a cookie! Count those calories! Cheat! Cheat!” they are vicious and completely overrated. Paleolithic eating on the other hand is more of a way of life than a diet as it promotes eating the way our cavemen (and women!) ancestors did- without eating processed foods, vegetables that are high in starch, legumes (including peanuts) sugar, or dairy. There is no counting of calories or straying away from fat! In fact it encourages eating healthy fats (avocados, free-range butter, nuts, nut oils, olive oil and coconut oil) as the absence of carbohydrates from sugar will force the body to turn the healthy fats into glucose rather than using sugar thus causing the body to lose fat.


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